1. come

    1 come /ˈkʌm/ verb
    comes; came /ˈkeɪm/ ; come; coming
    1 come
    comes; came /ˈkeɪm/ ; come; coming
    Learner's definition of COME
    [no object]
    : to move toward someone or something
    : to go or travel to a place
    often used figuratively
    see also come a long way (below)
    of mail : to be delivered to a place
    : to have or form an opinion, attitude, etc., after time passesfollowed by to + verb
    : to do something specifiedfollowed by to + verb
    always followed by an adverb or preposition : to reach a specified level, part, etc.
    [linking verb] : to reach a specified state or condition
    : to happen or occur
    : to arrive or happen after time has passed
    not used in progressive tenses of a product that is being sold
    : to be available
    : to have something as a feature, quality, ability, etc.
    : to have a specified position or place in a series
    British : to end a race or competition in a specified position
    somewhat old-fashioned
    used in speech as a mild way to urge someone to do something or to become less upset, angry, etc.
    used in speech as a mild way to show that you do not approve of or agree with what someone has said
    informal + impolite : to experience an orgasm

    as…as they come

    used to describe someone or something as very good, bad, etc.

    come about

    [phrasal verb]
    : to happen
    of a boat or ship : to turn to a different direction

    come a cropper

    see cropper

    come across

    [phrasal verb]
    : to seem to have a particular quality or character : to make a particular impression
    usually + as
    : to be expressed to someone
    come across (something or someone) : to meet or find (something or someone) by chance
    informal : to pay money that someone wants or demands

    come adrift

    see adrift

    come after

    [phrasal verb]
    come after (someone)
    : to chase (someone) : to try to find or capture (someone you want to hurt or punish)

    come again

    used to ask someone to repeat something that was not heard or understood clearly

    come along

    [phrasal verb]
    : to go somewhere with someone
    : to make progress : to get better or to proceed in a desired way
    : to proceed in a specified way
    : to happen or appear as someone or something that might be used, chosen, etc.

    come a long way

    : to rise to a much higher level of success : to become very successful
    : to make a great amount of progress

    come and go

    used to talk about time that has passed
    used to talk about people who appear and then leave as time passes

    come apart

    : to break into parts or pieces
    often used figuratively

    come around

    [phrasal verb] or chiefly British come round
    : to start to accept and support something (such as an idea) after opposing it : to stop opposing or disagreeing with something or someone
    often + to
    : to become conscious
    : to go to visit someone
    : to occur in the usual way as time passes
    see also what goes around comes around at 1go
    of a boat or ship : to turn to a different direction

    come as

    used to describe the effect that something has when people first learn about it

    come at

    [phrasal verb]
    come at (someone)
    : to move toward (someone) in a threatening or aggressive way
    : to be directed at or toward (someone)
    come at (something) : to begin to deal with or think about (something)

    come away from

    [phrasal verb]
    come away from (something)
    : to move away from (an area, place, etc.) often used figuratively

    come back

    [phrasal verb]
    : to return to a place sometimes used figuratively
    : to return to a former good condition : to become strong, successful, or effective again after a time of weakness, failure, etc.
    : to become popular or fashionable again
    : to be successful in a game, sport, etc., after being behind
    : to return to someone's memoryusually + to
    : to make a reply or responseusually + with
    see also comeback

    come between

    [phrasal verb]
    come between (people or groups)
    : to cause disagreement between (people or groups)

    come by

    [phrasal verb]
    : to make a visit to someone
    come by (something) : to get or acquire (something)

    come cheap

    see 2cheap

    come clean

    see 1clean

    come close

    see 3close

    come down

    [phrasal verb]
    : to move or fall downward
    of rain, snow, etc. : to fall from the sky
    : to go to a lower level
    see also comedown
    : to decide or say in an official or public way that you support or oppose someone or something
    ◊ An announcement or decision that comes down is an announcement or decision from someone who has power or authority.
    ◊ Something that comes down from the past is something that has existed for a very long time.
    informal : to stop feeling the effect of an illegal drug : to stop being high on a drug

    come down on

    [phrasal verb]
    come down on (someone) : to criticize or punish (someone)
    come down on (something) : to make a strong effort to stop or oppose (something)

    come down to

    [phrasal verb]
    come down to (something)
    : to have (something) as the most important part

    come down with

    [phrasal verb]
    come down with (an illness)
    : to begin to have or suffer from (an illness)

    come forward

    [phrasal verb]
    : to say openly or publicly that you are the person who should get something or who can do something

    come from

    [phrasal verb]
    come from (something)
    : to have (a specified origin or source)
    used to describe a person's family
    : to be the result of (something)
    come from (a place) : to be from (a place): such as
    of a person : to have been born or raised in (a place) : to live in (a place)
    sometimes used figuratively
    of a thing : to be produced in (a place)
    come from (someone) : to be said or told by (someone)

    come full circle

    see full circle

    come hell or high water

    see hell

    come home to

    see 2home

    come in

    [phrasal verb]
    : to arrive at a place
    : to be received
    : to end a race or competition in a specified position
    : to have a particular role or function
    ◊ Something that comes in handy or (less commonly) comes in useful/helpful turns out to be useful when it is needed.

    come in/into bloom

    of a plant or come into flower
    : to begin to produce flowers : to start to bloom

    come in for

    [phrasal verb]
    come in for (something)
    : to get or be given (something unpleasant, such as criticism) : to be subjected to (something)

    come in from the cold

    see 2cold

    come in on

    [phrasal verb]
    come in on (something) informal
    : to become involved in (something)

    come into

    [phrasal verb]
    come into (something)
    : to enter (a place)
    : to get (something) as a possession
    : to be involved in (something)

    come into effect

    see 1effect

    come into your own

    : to begin to have the kind of success that you are capable of having : to become very skillful, successful, etc.

    come in/into view/sight

    : to appear : to begin to be seen

    come naturally

    see naturally

    come of

    [phrasal verb]
    come of (something)
    : to be the result of (something)

    come of age

    see 1age

    come off

    [phrasal verb]
    come off or come off (something) : to stop being attached to something
    : to produce a desired result : to succeed
    : to happen
    : to do or perform well or badly
    : to seem to have a specified quality or characterusually + as
    come off (something)
    US : to have recently completed or recovered from (something)
    : to have recently stopped using (an illegal drug)
    US, informalused in phrases like where do you come off? to express anger or annoyance at what someone has said or done

    come off it

    : to stop talking or acting in a foolish wayusually used as an interjection

    come on

    [phrasal verb]
    : to happen or progress as time passes
    : to begin to happen
    of an electrical machine, light, etc. : to begin to work or function
    of a TV or radio program : to start
    used in speech to ask or urge someone to do something
    used in speech to tell someone to hurry or to go faster
    used in speech to express surprise, disbelief, etc.
    : to have or seem to have a certain quality or nature

    come on strong

    : to be very forceful or too forceful in talking to someone or dealing with someone
    : to become stronger or more successful in a continuing contest, race, etc.

    come on to

    [phrasal verb]
    come on to (someone) informal : to show sexual interest in (someone) : to try to start a sexual relationship with (someone)
    come on to (something) British : to start to talk about or deal with (something)

    come out

    [phrasal verb]
    : to become available : to begin to be produced or sold
    : to become obvious : to be clearly shown
    : to become known
    : to say something openly
    : to say publicly that you support or oppose someone or something
    : to say openly that you are a homosexual
    : to appear after being hidden
    : to appear in the open
    of a flower : to open : to blossom
    : to end or finish in a specified way
    of a photograph : to produce a good picture
    used to describe the quality that something has when it is finished
    : to be said, expressed, or understood in a particular way

    come out of

    [phrasal verb]
    come out of (something)
    : to result from (something)
    : to go through the experience of (something)
    ◊ To come out of nowhere is to be very surprising and unexpected or to become successful, popular, etc., in a very sudden and surprising way.
    see also come out of left field at left field

    come out with

    [phrasal verb]
    come out with (something)
    : to say or express (something, such as an idea)
    : to publish or produce (something that will be sold to the public)

    come over

    [phrasal verb]
    : to make a social visit to someone
    : to change from one side to the other in a disagreement, competition, etc.usually + to
    British, informal : become
    come over (someone) : to affect (someone) in a sudden and strong way

    come round

    see come around (above)

    come through

    [phrasal verb]
    : to succeed in doing something : to do what is needed or expected
    : to be received and understood
    : to be expressed to someone
    : to be given or made official in a formal and final way
    come through (something) : to have the experience of living through (something)

    come to

    [phrasal verb]
    : to become conscious
    come to (something)
    : to reach (a place) while traveling
    : to reach (a particular point or step in a process)
    : to approach or reach (a specified condition)
    see also come to a bad end at 1end
    : to result in (something)usually used in negative statements
    : to make or reach (something, such as a decision or an agreement) after thinking or talking
    ◊ People say that they don't know what the world is coming to or they ask What is the world coming to? when they are shocked or disgusted by something that has happened in the world.
    ◊ The phrase when it comes to is used to identify the specific topic that is being talked about.
    ◊ The phrase if it comes to that means “if that is necessary.”
    come to (an amount) : to produce (an amount) when added together
    come to (someone) : to be thought of by (someone) : to occur to (someone)
    ◊ Something that is coming to you is something that is owed to you.
    ◊ If you get what's coming to you, you get the punishment that you deserve.
    ◊ If you have it coming (to you) you deserve to get something bad, such as punishment.

    come to blows

    see 3blow

    come together

    [phrasal verb]
    : to join or meet
    : to form a group
    : to begin to work or proceed in the desired way

    come to grief

    see grief

    come to grips with

    see 2grip

    come to life

    see 1life

    come to light

    see 1light

    come to mind

    see 1mind

    come to pass

    formal + literary
    : to happen

    come to rest

    see 2rest

    come to terms

    see 1term

    come to think of it

    used in speech to say that you have just remembered or thought of something

    come to your senses

    see 1sense

    come true

    see 1true

    come under

    [phrasal verb]
    come under (something)
    : to be subjected to (something)
    : to be affected, controlled, or influenced by (something)
    used to identify the group or category that something belongs to

    come up

    [phrasal verb]
    : to move near to someone or something : to approach someone or something
    : to be mentioned or thought of
    : to occur in usually a sudden or unexpected way
    of the sun or moon : to become visible in the sky : to rise
    of a plant : to first appear above the ground
    : to finish in a specified condition or state
    : to move up in rank or status
    ◊ Something that is coming up will happen soon or will appear soon.

    come up against

    [phrasal verb]
    come up against (something)
    : to be stopped or slowed by (something)

    come up empty

    : to fail to get or find something or someone

    come upon

    [phrasal verb] somewhat formal
    come upon (someone or something) : to meet or find (someone or something) by chance
    come upon (someone) of a feeling : to affect (someone) suddenly

    come up to

    [phrasal verb]
    come up to (something)
    : to be as good as (something)

    come up with

    [phrasal verb]
    come up with (something)
    : to get or think of (something that is needed or wanted)

    come what may

    : regardless of what happens

    easy come, easy go

    see 2easy

    first come, first served

    see 2first

    how come

    see 1how

    to come

    : existing or arriving in the future
    2 come /ˈkʌm/ noun
    2 come
    Learner's definition of COME
    [noncount] impolite
    : semen
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